David Finkel's Wealth Blog: Maui Wealth Weekend!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Maui Wealth Weekend!

This Letter Is for Anyone Who Always

Wanted to Join Us In Maui

But Couldn’t Afford the

$30,000 Price Tag…

Dear Friend,

Imagine you received a letter inviting you to apply for one of a handful of seats at the world’s most exclusive wealth retreat. The qualification process included two interviews, the final selection interview was with one of the event’s founders who would either accept or deny your application right there on the spot.

And to even qualify to get an interview slot you had to show that you had the financial resources to pay for the $30,000 price tag.

Would you ever dare to apply? Would you be skeptical that any wealth event could really be worth that kind of money? Would you be scared that if they did accept you that you would be out of your depth?

Well this is exactly the situation that 36 wealth builders faced for that first years Maui Mastermind™ event. Over the years they and other new Maui participants have come back to Maui again and again to spend five and a half concentrated days focused on building wealth, networking with other like minded individuals, and creating ways to give back to people and charities around the world.

Since each year over 75% of the participants sign up on the spot to come back the next year, the Maui Mastermind events are usually sold out a year in advance.

Now for the first time ever we are going to pull back the curtains around this amazing experience and share the most powerful strategies and breakthroughs from Maui at a special charity event that Diane and I are hosting in Phoenix this July.

In fact, if you’re one of the lucky few people to get a seat at this special event not only will 100% of your tuition go directly to help charity, but you’ll learn about all five of the core Maui Wealth Leverage Strategies™.

For most people, this weekend workshop is the closest they’ll ever come to the Maui wealth experience. Considering most people simply can’t afford the $30,000 price tag of the real Maui Mastermind™ event, we’ve designed this new workshop, called the Maui Wealth Weekend™, to be the closest we could come to recreating the Maui magic at a fraction of the price other people pay for Maui.

And for just $500, yes you heard me right--$500, you’ll get to benefit from all the “how to” wealth building expertise that Diane and I have spent a lifetime perfecting.

In fact, we’ve done our best to pour all the wealth building magic and expertise we have into this exclusive two day wealth workshop so that you can use it as a launching pad to take your wealth building to the next level.

And best of all, 100% of your tuition for this powerful wealth workshop goes straight to one of several 501c(3) registered charities! (Diane and I are paying for all the costs for the workshop so that no expenses will be deducted and all of your tuition will go straight to charity.)

To claim one of the limited spots at this life-changing event just follow the link at the end of this letter to register on our secure website.

Or you can call the toll-free number I’ve listed at the end and talk with Amy and register by phone.

Why We Decided to Host This Special Event and Give All the Proceeds to Charity

About two months ago I got an email from Diane asking for me to help her brainstorm ways to raise $120,000 to fund a resource center for homeless families. You see, Diane was sitting in church on a Sunday when her pastor described how there were over 3,000 homeless children in Phoenix who with their families had nowhere to go.

He had been praying for help to get the resources to care for these people. Diane felt compelled to do something to help.

Within 8 days she and Scott Mertens (who runs Tax Loopholes and Maui Mastermind) had committed to raise the money needed to fund the center for five years.

That’s when I got the email from Diane asking me to help her brainstorm ideas to raise the money. I flew out to Phoenix with my wife Heather and toured the facilities. Then a day later Diane, Scott and I brainstormed how to actually raise the money.

It was out of that mastermind session that Diane and I decided to do the Maui Wealth Weekend as a way to raise enough money to fund the center for the first year.

In fact, we leveraged the event so that our Maui graduates are using the event to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars more for other charities like funding four orphanages in Mexico, and helping women in third world countries start micro businesses so they can break the cycle of poverty and provide for their families.

And now, out of our desire to help these incredibly worthy causes, you have the unprecedented chance to tap into the proprietary ideas and strategies from Maui to become financially free.

For the past decade Diane and I have been working to help ordinary people become wealthy, and to help wealthy people become SUPER wealthy.

During that time we’ve helped tens of thousands of people live richer, fuller, wealthier lives. In fact, our clients have gone on to earn millions and millions of dollars building businesses and investing.

Now, for the first time ever, Diane and I are letting a handful of people come to a special weekend wealth workshop we are hosting this July 22nd and 23rd. In fact, the only reason we are even willing to do the event is because we want to raise $250,000 to fund a resource center for homeless families in Phoenix.

In this letter not only will I lay out exactly what you’ll learn at this private wealth workshop, but I’ll also share with you how you can be one of a handful of people reading this letter who will get to attend.

How Common Money Mistakes Keep You Trapped in the Rate Race

If you’re working harder and harder just to keep even financially then it very well could mean that you’re making one or more of the common wealth mistakes—mistakes that may be causing you to work harder, feel more stress, struggle just to stay even, and worst of all, mistakes that cause you to give up on your dreams.

Could be. Because the one trait that the world’s wealthiest individuals all have in common is how easy it was for them to succeed financially when they finally understood how money really works.

The problem is that this is an education that you weren’t taught in school. This is a training that you never got on the job. In fact, until now there has only been two ways that a lucky few ever received this kind of wealth training. Either they had a wealthy family member or friend share with them the inside secrets to money and wealth, or they stumbled on these powerful secrets themselves through trial and error.

But before I give you all the nitty-gritty details on this amazing event, I want to ask you an important question first…

Do you believe that wealthy people really think differently from the poor and middle class?

The most amazing thing about money and wealth is how easy it is when you’ve made several key mental shifts.

Why is someone like Morgan, one of the Maui stars, able to grow his business by over 100% per year and five fold it’s value in less than three years…?

Why are people like Stephanie and Jack, who will be coming back to Maui for the third time, able to increase their net worth by several million dollars each year…?

Why is someone like Steve able to go from being a retired Intel employee to owning hundreds of rental units pumping out thousands of dollars of passive income year after year…?

Because they have learned how to master the hidden game of money. And it’s exactly these wealth secrets that have made them financially free.

Diane and I are going to share these same secrets this July in Phoenix so that money and wealth become demystified, simple, and easy for you. You’ll be shocked when you learn the key shifts that wealthy people use to make building wealth fun and easy.

Can you imagine the peace of mind you’ll enjoy knowing that you got money handled forever!

I know that this is an awful lot to promise, so how can I be so confident?

Well, after spending the last decade working with over 100,000 people teaching them the secrets and strategies of building wealth, I am certain that anybody, and I do mean anybody, with the right training, support, coaching, and commitment, can succeed financially.

Take Kelly, a police officer who came to Maui three years ago. When Kelly first came to Maui she and her husband were over $75,000 in credit card debt.

Within 3 years they had purchased millions of dollars of real estate, Kelly quit her jobs on the Los Angeles police department, and become Maui Millionaires™.

Or take Rob. When I first met Rob he was a health care consultant who was traveling over three weeks every month. As you can imagine all that time away from home was ripping his family apart.

The very first year I began working with Rob he was able to quit his consulting job and become a full time real estate investor.

Fast forward to today. Rob is a successful entrepreneur who owns a variety of real estate from single family homes to shopping centers to office buildings. He did all of this starting from scratch following the same advice and input that you’ll learn at the Maui Wealth Weekend.

I don’t want to sugar coat any of this. While it is totally possible for you to do this it will take dedication and effort on your part. For example, on day one of the workshop I’m going to help you confront the real reason why 95% of Americans fail financially and why the other 5% make it look so effortless and easy.

Alright, it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty details of how the Maui Wealth Weekend is designed so you learn what to expect when you register today to join us.

The workshop is laid out in six parts:

Part One: Upgrading Your Wealth Operating System™! Learn a powerful five-step process to literally reprogram your belief system about wealth, money, and financial abundance so that making money is easy and automatic. Never again will you unwittingly engage is self sabotaging wealth destroying behaviors because in this section of the workshop you’ll learn the key distinctions that will put you in charge of your own wealth program.

Part Two: Dreaming Big! We’re told to dream no small dreams because there is no power in them. But many of us are so busy with the day to day busy-ness of living, that we’ve forgotten our dreams. In this section of the workshop we’ll guide you to be bold and create those big dreams in the seven important areas of your life to serve as the guiding star for all that you accomplish. Plus, you’ll learn how to tap into other people’s dreams to build a lasting joint venture to accomplish even more.

Part Three: Masterminding Your Way to Millions!

You don’t need to do it all alone. You’ll discover how to create a highly functional mastermind group that will push you to even greater accomplishments. You’ll learn the five critical elements of a powerful mastermind to keep it operating at the highest possible level for breakthrough results.

Part Four: Building Level Three Wealth and Enjoy a Maui Lifestyle! It’s not enough to just make a lot of money. You need to build your wealth in such a way that it truly creates secure and thriving financial freedom. In this section you’ll learn the secret Maui Financial Freedom Formula™ and a breakthrough new system for measuring your real financial progress. You’ll learn why “income” is the worst predictor of financial success and how to powerfully build with the five pillars of wealth to create enduring financial freedom.

Part Five: Tapping Into Maui Giving to Create a Legacy that Lives On Beyond You! One of the hallmarks of a Maui Millionaire is the sustained giving that he creates throughout his lifetime.

Once you’ve learned these essential strategies and technologies to leverage from where you are to where you want to be, we have one more important area to focus on before you go home...

Part Six: Your Personal Financial Freedom Plan.

Before you leave on Sunday night you’ll take with you a highly detailed, personally created, action plan to take you to financial freedom. This way when you get home you’ll hit the ground on Monday morning with a clearly laid out plan of exactly what you’ll need to do to turn the ideas from the workshop into dollars in your bank account.

Who This Event Is Right For

This event is right for the following three groups of people

  1. Those people who have always dreamed of financial success but never thought it was possible for them before. You’ll have a major wealth breakthrough and learn exactly why it doable for you and the specific action steps you’ll need to take to make it happen.

  2. Those people who are already working towards financial freedom but who want to accelerate the process so that they make it in less time. You’ll learn simple strategies to double or triple your effective net worth in 12 months or less!

  3. Anyone else who is intensely interested in creating financial freedom and abundance for themselves and their family. You’ll learn exactly how to do it in a clear, accessible way.

Do You Qualify to Attend this Special Wealth Workshop?

Because the seating at this one-of-a-kind wealth workshop is strictly limited, I really only suggest you enroll if you can honestly answer yes to each of the following three questions:

  1. Are you open to learn about wealth and financial freedom? If you’re not willing to hear what Diane and I have to teach, especially since it flies in the face of “conventional” wisdom, which by the way leads over 95% of Americans to financial failure, then this event isn’t for you. You’ll only find the direct, blunt, action oriented, wealth advice extremely frustrating. We’re not going to hold any punches and plan to tell you exactly what we’ve learned works, and more importantly, what doesn’t.

  2. Can you feel good that your tuition goes 100% to charity? One of the major themes of the event is that real wealth is what you give. If it makes you uncomfortable that Diane and I are donating all the proceeds from the event to charity, or that we think that the only way to become truly wealthy is to learn to share your wealth as you build it, then this event isn’t for you.

  3. Is your desire to succeed financially strong enough to get you to take action now? If you’re not willing to act on the lessons, strategies, and techniques that Diane and I will be sharing with you at the information rich workshop, why bother attending? If hanging around with wealthy individuals has taught me anything it’s taught me this: after they have gotten all the facts, every, and I do mean every, wealthy person I’ve had the privilege of studying and spending time with was very quick to make a decision. It’s this willingness to act on your decisions that separates the financial also-rans from the truly wealthy.

Letting Go of Your Excuses

It never ceases to amaze me the lengths and creativity that I observe people go to in order to create and maintain their excuses, I mean “reasons”, why they can’t do what they say is most important to them.

If these people would put the same energy, determination, and imagination into doing or changing the thing they are making excuses about most times they would easily accomplish the very thing they say they wish they could do.

If you’re still reading this letter then I know you are different. You’re one of those special individuals who takes responsibility for your own life and for your results.

Wherever you are starting from we can help you build from there. You were born for more… More wealthMore freedomMore security

This is our chance to work directly with you in a powerful, life-changing weekend workshop. It may be the only chance you’ll ever get to spend an entire weekend with Diane and me focused exclusively on building your personal fortune.

You see, I believe that everyone is born to be a Maui Millionaire, it just takes a few key shifts to set yourself on that path. In fact, I believe that you have everything you need to become a Maui Millionaire. All that’s needed for you to tap into your real wealth making potential is some simple instruction and mentoring—all of which you’ll get at the Maui Wealth Weekend.

With all the fanfare and buzz about Maui, many of you wonder why the participants would willingly pay $30,000 to attend the Maui Mastermind wealth retreat. With such a high percentage coming back again… and again… and again…

Because of one thing and one thing only—it works!

The people and processes we use in Maui work to totally transform people’s financial lives.

Now for the first time ever outside of Maui, Diane and I are going to share the wealth technologies from Maui with a bigger audience. And best of all, if you’re one of the people to respond first to this letter you’ll be able to attend for just $500!

And that money will go 100% to charity! That’s right, every single dime!

Seating is extremely limited so register now. Just click on the “register now” link to go to our secure server to register now before this event sells out. (the web URL is www.taxloopholes.com/index.php?s=stldetail&id=52 )

Or you can call Amy at toll-free 1-866-829-2368 to register.

Congratulations on having made such an important decision to invest in your financial success. Diane and I look forward to seeing you in July at the workshop.


David Finkel

P.S. This event will sell out fast! Considering our $30,000 Maui Mastermind™ events sell out up to a year in advance this $500 Maui Wealth Weekend™ is guaranteed to sell out even faster! GO TO www.taxloopholes.com/index.php?s=stldetail&id=52


P.P.S. Remember, 100% of your tuition goes to fund the resource center for homeless families in Phoenix and other worthy charities!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well this was a short lived blog...after reading the book, I thought this was going to be something that would last for awhile. Guess it was only set up to pump the weekend getaway...great marketing, but that was about it! What about the educational aspects of the blog? Last post was in May...

2:59 PM  

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