David Finkel's Wealth Blog: Wealth Tip 4: Determine which level of wealth builder you are

Friday, October 06, 2006

Wealth Tip 4: Determine which level of wealth builder you are

There is no one wealth strategy that fits all people. In fact, depending on the current status of your financial wealth building you will need to tailor your financial efforts in totally different ways.

There are essentially three levels of wealth building—Level One, Level Two, and Level Three.

Level One is about getting starting, and it is the subject of Wealth Tip 5 for most Maui Millionaires™ it takes 6-12 months to progress through this level.

Level Two is about aggressively growing your net worth, and it is the subject of Wealth Tip 6. For most Maui Millionaires™ it takes 3-10 years to progress through this level. This might seem like a long time, but compare that to the default plan in our society in which the average person works 40-45 years, then retires financially dependent on the government or family (if they are even able to stop working in the first place!)

Level Three is about converting your net worth into passive, residual cash flow. It is the subject of Wealth Tip 7. This usually takes most Maui Millionaires™ about 24-36 months to intelligently make this transition.

What happens next? For many Maui Millionaires™ once they have become financially free with plenty of passive, residual income and healthy net worth, they take a short break, and find the next challenge for them to become passionate about.

For me, after I “retired” at age 36 having sold one of my companies, I took four months off and got very bored. At that point I started up two multi-million dollar companies in areas that I felt very passionate about. Also, I made sure that I structured the businesses so that they supported my very flexible and free lifestyle (E.g. working no more than 30 hours per week, work from anywhere I want, etc.). Finally, I made sure that I built in a very large giving component into the DNA of the companies from the start.

The results? Well one of the results was Maui Millionaires, LLC. Not only does that company teach hundreds of thousands of people each year about financial mastery, wealth, and how they can become a Maui Millionaire™, but it also raises over a million dollars a year for charity. Level Three wealth builders isn’t the end, rather it’s the launching pad for Maui Millionaires™ to build an enduring legacy that will live on beyond their lives.

For more on Level One, Two, Three wealth building see, The Maui Millionaires pp.186-189.


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